Saturday 20 June 2020

Ako Hiko Toolkits

Ako Hiko Toolkits Experience
On Thursday we were on Toolkits for the whole day! It was
the first time that we had Toolkits online.  It was so fun,
for the first session I did Kahoot. I did it with different
students from different schools, but I didn't go on for long
because I accidentally pressed my mic. My mic was muted
but I turned it on, it was a mistake! For the next session I
did Scratch. It was fun but I went on to late so I didn’t
really understand but most of it I did, Scratch is a game
that you have a cat and you got a lot of weird shapes,
I can’t really explain but session three was the last one,
I did Tour Builder, I didn’t understand a thing because the
kids from the other school’s were making lots of noise, I
heard a little bit about what they were talking about, that
was all the sessions for the Toolkits! Now i’m going to tell
you how to play or make the stuff I learned in Toolkits, so
I will start with kahoot,

How to make a Kahoot
 You will need to log in or sign in to Kahoot. Then you have
to get a photo from google, then find a picture of a movie a
game a car or whatever you want to put up. If it is Mulan
and you write down her name as Sleeping Beauty then Mulan
, you have to pick the correct answer so you can be on the
TOP list! I’ve been on the TOP list but I came down because
some one that is named Mariam just appeared out of know
were just came in second place. My faverout session was
Kahoot because I love playing kahoot and I love beating
people in it! That is the main reason I like to play Kahoot.
Here is the link of how to make a kahoot!

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